Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women. The age of the disease is quite young. According to the latest data, an average of 1,000 to 1,200 new cases of the disease are reported each year in Georgia. The screening program has been very successful in the sense that if before the patients with the third and fourth stage of the disease turned to doctors, after the introduction of the program the patients with the first stage of the disease were identified. The main problem in our country is mental. Every woman has to overcome this barrier and detect breast cancer in time, if there is any.
Mardaleishvili Medical Center has all conditions for breast cancer treatment – the best team of mammologists, modern equipment, radiotherapy and chemotherapy rooms. The clinic has implemented all the successful methods available worldwide.
When should a patient visit a doctor?
According to modern standards, monitoring begins as soon as the girl’s breasts grow. Every month after the end of the menstrual cycle, every woman should visually check whether the shape and size of the breasts have changed. It is also recommended to check the structure of the breast on your own. However, a patient who has found a node should immediately go to the doctor, without wasting time on screening. If a woman has given birth, gone through a period of lactation and had an aborted pregnancy, there is a problem with the ducts at this time, which is another trigger for node formation. Unfortunately, 90% of the nodes that form during menopause are malignant tumors. A young woman should be examined by a mammologist once a year. At this time, an ultrasound scan is likely to be required. From the age of 50, it is recommended to be examined twice a year. To avoid this disease, you need to be careful and pay attention to minor symptoms.
How is the treatment carried out?
Surgery, hormonal treatment, radiation and chemotherapy are used for treatment. If the patient’s condition is very severe, surgery is obligatory, radiation or chemotherapy is prescribed, if necessary both are prescribed together. Hormone treatment is prescribed after a review of the patient’s condition.
The doctor examines the patient, if necessary prescribes mammography, ultrasound, cytology. If the node is more than 2 cm, a core biopsy is performed to determine the hormonal status. If it is stage 2, radiation and chemical therapy is prescribed. If the tumor has spread, a morphological study is performed and the hormonal status is determined. If the tumor has spread to the ovaries, surgery is performed on both organs.
Remember, detecting breast cancer at an early stage gives a very high chance of recovery.